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Accreditation and Assessment Practices

ISO 14001 Auditing Practices Group (APG)

The ISO 14001 Auditing Practices Group (APG) is an informal group of Environmental management system (EMS) experts, auditors and practitioners, drawn from the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the ISO Technical Committee TC 207 sub committees for Environmental Management and Environmental Auditing (ISO/TC207/SC1 and SC2).

The APG has prepared a number of papers and presentations on auditing EMSs which are freely available and can be downloaded from the following website link –

ISO 14001 Auditing Practices Group

The website is primarily aimed at EMS auditors, consultants and practitioners.


The ideas, examples and explanations given reflect the process-based approach that is essential for auditing the requirements of  ISO 14001 Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use. The papers and presentations that make up the content of the website are not definitive. They reflect a number of different views in EMS auditing. As such, their content may not always be consistent. It is not intended that the website’s content will be used as specified requirements, an industry benchmark, or as criteria that all EMS auditors, consultants or practitioners have to follow.

Feedback from users as to whether additional guidance documents should be developed, or if these current ones should be revised is welcomed by the APG. Comments on the papers or presentations can be sent to the following email address: Nele.Zgavc@bsigroup.com