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IAF Publishes May 2024 Issue of IAF Outlook

11 Jun 2024

IAF has published the May 2024 issue of its newsletter, IAF Outlook.

This issue of IAF Outlook covers a wide range of topics shaping the accreditation landscape worldwide. We explore artificial intelligence (AI) with articles on ISO/IEC 42001 Information technology — Artificial intelligence — Management system, the role of standards and accreditation in ethical AI governance, and AI priorities for accredited assurance bodies. We further examine the use of technology with articles on IAF CertSearch, a DAkkS digital accreditation symbol, and an EA webinar on European blockchain technology in relation to accreditation and certification.


Learn about the impact of accreditation on international trade, the role of IAF CertSearch in combating fraudulent certificates, and a recent Accredia study on how accredited certification reduces workplace injuries and accidents. Recent meetings and activities of ISO/CASCO, ARAC and AFRAC are highlighted, as well as ABCB’s upcoming 40th anniversary celebration and NATA’s Accreditation Matters conference.


Hear the latest news from IAF, including an update on the collaboration between IAF and IESBA. Read about the IAF/ILAC podcast sub-series on accreditation in the food sector, and the inspiration behind the winning World Accreditation Day 2024 poster contest design.


The issue can be viewed here. We hope you enjoy reading this issue of IAF Outlook!