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WAD 2022 Poster Contest Second and Third Place Winner

Congratulations to Zhang Meng, who won second and third place in the World Accreditation Day (WAD) 2022 poster contest, earning two prizes of USD 500 each.

Zhang Meng is the founder of the Shenzhen Shanpu design studio. He has designed logos for the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, the School of Ocean Engineering of Tsinghua University, the School of Law of the Communication University of China, and the 2020 World Cultural Heritage Annual Meeting.

What was your inspiration for your design and how does it illustrate this year’s theme?

Second place poster:

By thinking about what economic and environmental sustainable development is, I thought of low-carbon lifestyle and production modes, and then thought of low-carbon travel, clean energy and other contents, which were integrated into the poster.

The poster depicts blue sky and white clouds, a low-carbon travel mode, clean energy production (wind power generation), etc., shows a sustainable way of production and life, and embodies the theme of sustainable economic and environmental development. The elements in the poster are round, symbolizing the world. The rings are nested to symbolize accreditation.

Third place poster:

I think about what the world of sustainable economic and environmental development looks like, and then associate it with the picture of green mountains and blue water and people riding freely between mountains and rivers.

The poster depicts mountains and rivers, people with their own characteristics, low-carbon travel modes, plants, etc., shows a beautiful world of sustainable development, and embodies the vision of sustainable economic and environmental development.