MLA Purpose

Contact details of the Accreditation Bodies and Regional Accreditation Groups which are signatories to the MLA are listed here.


Purpose of The MLA

The purpose of the IAF Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA) is to ensure mutual recognition of accredited certification and validation/verification statements between signatories to the MLA, and subsequently acceptance of accredited certification and validation/verification statements in many markets based on one accreditation.

Accreditations granted by IAF MLA signatories are recognised worldwide based on their equivalent accreditation programs, therefore reducing costs and adding value to businesses and consumers.

Accreditation Body Members of IAF are admitted to the MLA only after a stringent evaluation of their operations by a peer evaluation team.

As a strategic objective, IAF is committed to increasing the transparency of the peer evaluation process and its outcomes. IAF and its Accreditation Body Members invest significant effort and resources to maintain the integrity and consistency of the MLA through the peer evaluation process.

The IAF MLA Annual Report sets out the detailed activities that are carried out as part of the peer evaluation process, to ensure that regulators, specifiers, and businesses can have confidence in the Arrangement.