- Invitations were extended to respondents to an OECD Survey on International Regulatory Co-operation, including IAF (represented by Randy Dougherty, IAF Chair and President), ILAC (represented by Merih Malmqvist Nilsson, ILAC Vice-Chair, and ILAC and IAF liaison to OECD), ISO (represented by Kevin McKinley, ISO Deputy Secretary-General), OIML/BIPM (represented by Peter Mason, CIML President), and WTO (represented by Devin McDaniels, WTO Economic Affairs Officer – Trade and Environment Division).
- The intent of the survey was to gather data about the increasing role of IOs in supporting regulatory co-operation, including their different modes of operation and the impacts of their involvement. The responses were used by OECD to analyze the main institutional and operational features of various IOs.
- The meeting, which was based on OECD’s analysis of the survey results, included five sessions that began with presentations from panelists. Topics of discussion included governance arrangements, varying practices in support of regulatory co-operation and tools of IOs. During the governance session, Mr. Dougherty gave a presentation on IAF and ILAC’s organizational structures, modes of operation, documentation development and the ways in which their activities benefit trade facilitation and government.
- A final analysis of the survey results will be made available following the collection of supplemental information from meeting participants. The third OECD IO meeting will be held in April 2016.