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Strong Progress on IAF Database

19 Oct 2017

The IAF DMC continues to make good progress on the development of recommendations for an IAF database of accredited management system certificates. These recommendations will be made in the form of a formal proposal at the IAF General Assembly in October 2017.

By Marcus Long


The International Accreditation Forum Database Management Committee (IAF DMC), in collaboration with consultant Jerry Norris, continues to make good progress on the development of recommendations for the IAF database of accredited management system certificates. The DMC will make these recommendations at the IAF General Assembly in Vancouver in October 2017 in the form of a formal proposal for the establishment of the IAF database.


At the heart of this work is the Principles document that the DMC consulted with the IAF membership on twice. The work now being carried out is to ensure that all these Principles can be adhered to in the database, from the security of information and the management of costs to the simplicity of data gathering.


  • One of the key tasks is the selection of potential vendors to develop and manage the database. A number have already been approached and ultimately those deemed suitable will be asked to submit a formal tender. Evaluation of the tender will be carried out, again with the Principles at the heart of the decision-making process. A final proposal from the DMC for the preferred vendor will be one of the key elements of the October presentation.


  • DMC Chair Randy Dougherty says, “the database presents a very significant opportunity for accreditation and accredited management system certification to really stand out as a global tool for business and governments to use. I am pleased with the progress with the DMC’s work which will demonstrate to the IAF membership that this will be a major asset for IAF, its members and most importantly the users of accredited certification.”


The DMC is always happy to hear any ideas or suggestions the IAF membership has on the database. These can be forwarded to Randy at rdougherty@anab.org or IAF Secretary Elva Nilsen at secretary@iaf.nu.