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User Advisory Committee – UAC

About UAC


The User Advisory Committee (UAC), represents the interests of end-users of accredited conformity assessment, such as scheme owners and industries.


UAC members can assist IAF in determining how well the needs and expectations of scheme owners and end-users of accredited conformity assessment are being fulfilled in the market.


UAC members can stay informed and knowledgeable about IAF’s organization, structure, operations, and activities. They are particularly informed about the Executive Committee, the Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA) Committee, and the Technical Committee activities, aiming to ensure that accredited conformity assessment meets the expectations of scheme owners and end-users.


UAC members meet at least twice a year, decisions and actions between meetings may occur by email.


IAF welcomes new members to UAC, organizations who represent end-users of accredited conformity assessment, such as scheme owners and associations at a national, regional or global level, fulfill IAF’s membership rules, and whose application is successfully accepted by the IAF membership. Contact iaf@iaf.nu for more details.

16 UAC Members