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Resolution Details
Resolution Number Resolution Resolution Content Location and Agenda Item
Election of Committee Chairs
The General Assembly congratulated the following members elected as IAF Committee Chairs for three-year terms ending at the 2021 General Assembly Meeting:
  • - Ms Sheronda Jeffries (TIA) elected as User Advisory Committee Chair for a second and final three-year term.
  • - Mr Norman Brunner (AA), elected as MLA Committee Chair for a second and final three-year term.
  • - Ms Andrea Barroso Melo Monteiro de Queiroz (CGCRE), elected as Development Support Committee Chair for a second and final three-year term.
  • - Mr Steve Keeling (JAS-ANZ), elected as Technical Committee Chair for an initial three-year term.
  • - Mr Brahim Houla (GAC), elected as Communications and Marketing Committee Chair for an initial three-year term.
  1. The Director representing Users and Industry Association Members is automatically the Chair of the User Advisory Committee (UAC) as per IAF PL5.
  2. Mr Vũ Xuân Thủy (BOA) will complete his second and final term as Co-Chair of the Accreditation Body Information Exchange Group (ABIEG) at the 2019 General Assembly Meeting.
  3. The Director Representing Low and Medium Income Economies is automatically a Co-Chair of the Accreditation Body Information Exchange Group (ABIEG) as per IAF PL5.
Singapore IAF32-17