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Resolution Details
Resolution Number Resolution Resolution Content Location and Agenda Item
General Policy for MLA Scope Extensions under Management System Certification
In Accordance with the amended requirements as provided in IAF ML4:2016 3.1.5 and 3.1.6, the General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the MLA Committee, resolved that the following principle be applied for the extension to all Sub-Scopes of Management System Certification as follows: For Individual Abs:   For a signatory to the IAF MLA with a Main Scope of ISO/IEC 17021(-1).
  • • to provide a self-declaration, that the Sub-Scope has been introduced and relevant requirements as defined by IAF have been met (IAF ML4:2016, 3.1.5.ii, 3.1.6.i).
For a signatory to the IAF MLA but not for the Main Scope of ISO/IEC 17021(-1).
  • • full evaluation in accordance with IAF/ILAC A2 (IAF ML4:2016, 3.1.5.i).
For Regional Accreditation Groups:   For a signatory to the IAF MLA with a Main Scope of ISO/IEC 17021(-1).
  • • at least 1 MLA signatory
  • • document review
For a signatory to the IAF MLA but not for a Main Scope of ISO/IEC 17021-1
  • • full evaluation in accordance with IAF/ILAC A1.
This Resolution supersedes the Note 2 point 3.1.5 of IAF ML4:2016.
New_Delhi IAF30-10