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Resolution Details
Resolution Number Resolution Resolution Content Location and Agenda Item
The Joint General Assembly agrees that the wording provided by IEC (refer to notes 1 and 2) conforms with the intent of Joint General Assembly Sydney Resolution 7. The Joint General Assembly supports the preparation of a joint communiqué by the ILAC and IAF Executives publicising this resolution. Note 1: For IECEE System: Certificate of Approval of a Manufacturer's Testing Laboratory. The above Manufacturer’s Testing Laboratory facilities and staff have been assessed in accordance with the IECEE Peer Assessment Programme and found to comply with the requirements of the latest Editions of the Basic Rules IECEE 01, Rules of Procedure IECEE 02 and the applicable requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 for the testing of electrotechnical equipment and components under the IECEE System, as specified in the IECEE Operational Documents.   Note 2: For IECQ System: Certificate of Approval of an Independent Testing Laboratory. The organization, facilities and procedures of the Laboratory have been assessed and found to comply with all the relevant requirements for Independent Testing Laboratory organization approval, in support of the IECQ system, which is in accordance with the Basic Rules IECQ 01 and Rules of Procedure QC 001002-3 clause 2.4 of the IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ) and with the applicable requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 for the testing of electronic components under the IECQ System, as specified in the IECQ Operational Documents.
Vancouver JGA9