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Resolution Details
Resolution Number Resolution Resolution Content Location and Agenda Item
AB IAF MLA Scope Extensions
The General Assembly noted the MLA scope extensions, since the 2022 General Assembly, of the following IAF Accreditation Body Members:
  • EGAC Egypt (AFRAC) – Main Scope: Certification of Persons – ISO/IEC 17024
  • EGAC Egypt (AFRAC); TUNAC Tunisia (EA) – Main Scope: Product Certification – ISO/IEC 17065
  • OAA Argentina, OUA Uruguay, SAE Ecuador, SCC Canada (IAAC) – Sub-Scope: Level 4: ISO/TS 22003, FSSC 22000 Scheme Parts 3 and 4; Sub-Scope: Level 5: FSSC 22000 Scheme Part 2
  • BoA Vietnam (APAC) – Sub-Scope: Level 4: ISO/IEC TS 17021-10; Sub-Scope: Level 5: ISO 45001
  • ECA Costa Rica (IAAC) – Sub-Scope: Level 4: ISO/IEC TS 17021-10, ISO 50003; Sub-Scope: Level 5: ISO 45001, ISO 50001
  • EGAC Egypt, SANAS South Africa (AFRAC) – Sub-Scope: Level 5: ISO 13485
  • AA Austria, ACCREDIA Italy, BELAC Belgium, COFRAC France, DAkkS Germany, DANAK Denmark, ENAC Spain, PCA Poland, RvA Netherlands, SAS Switzerland, UKAS United Kingdom (EA) – Sub-Scope: Level 4: IFS Food Version 7 (8), Part 1, Part 3 Sections 2 &3 and Part 4; Sub-Scope: Level 5: IFS Food Version 7 (8), Part 2 (IFS Food)
Montreal IAF37-8.2