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Resolution Details
Resolution Number Resolution Resolution Content Location and Agenda Item
New IAF MLA Signatories
The General Assembly noted that DSM (Malaysia, PAC) has been accepted for membership in the IAF MLA for EMS, and ESYD (Greece, EA), IPAC (Portugal, EA) and SA (Slovenia, EA) have been accepted for membership in the IAF MLAs for QMS, EMS and Product, as a consequence of PAC or EA MLA membership respectively. Note: DSM signed the IAF MLA for EMS on 15 March 2006 and has joined the IAF MLA for QMS on 29 September 1999. ESYD signed the IAF MLAs for QMS, EMS and Product on 24 March 2006. IPAC and SA signed the IAF QMS, EMS and Product MLAs at a ceremony during the IAF-ILAC Gala Dinner on 12 November 2006.
Cancun IAF20-8