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GA Resolutions
Resolution Number Resolution Resolution Content Location and Agenda Item
Invitation for the 2014 Annual Meetings
The Joint General Assembly accepted with appreciation the invitation by the National Standardization Council (NSC) to host the 2014 IAF-ILAC Annual Meetings in Bangkok, Thailand.
Rio_de_Janeiro JGA12
Bangkok in November 2011 were cancelled due to flooding
The meetings scheduled for Bangkok in November 2011 were cancelled due to flooding throughout Thailand and the risk that IAF members might not be able to travel safely. Hence there are no resolutions for what would have been the JGA11 Annual Meeting.
Bangkok IAF25
Bangkok in November 2011 were cancelled due to flooding
The meetings scheduled for Bangkok in November 2011 were cancelled due to flooding throughout Thailand and the risk that IAF and ILAC members might not be able to travel safely. Hence there are no resolutions for what would have been the JGA11 Annual Meeting.
Bangkok JGA11
IAF/ISO Joint Communiqué on Certification to ISO 26000
The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the Technical Committee, resolved that there will not be any accredited certification to ISO 26000 (publication date 1 November 2010). ISO 26000 explicitly states that it is not intended or appropriate for certification, and any certification would be a misuse of the standard. Therefore, Certification Bodies are strongly urged not to promote or provide certification to ISO 26000 and Accreditation Bodies and Certification Bodies are requested to report any misuse or need for certification, to the ISO Secretariat.
Shanghai IAF24-7
Modified Balloting Process concerning the Transition to ISO/IEC 17021
The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the Technical Committee, resolved that due to time restrictions, a modified balloting process concerning the transition to ISO/IEC 17021 be approved, whereby after a positive Technical Committee decision regarding acceptability of the informative transition document, it be circulated to all IAF members for 30 day ballot.
Shanghai IAF24-7
Transition Period for ISO/IEC 17021
The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the Technical Committee, resolved that the transition period for the implementation of the revision of ISO/IEC 17021 will be 24 months from the date of publication.
Shanghai IAF24-7
MLA Committee
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report from the Chairman of the MLA Committee (ref IAF GA 24_8) and noted the MLA Committee program.
Shanghai IAF24-8
New IAF MLA Signatories
The General Assembly noted the admission to the IAF MLA signatories, since the 2009 General Assembly, of the following IAF Members:
  • • NSC, Thailand (PAC); Main scope – ISO/IEC Guide 65;
  • • NAT, Hungary (EA); Main scope – ISO/IEC 17021 and ISO/IEC Guide 65; Sub-scope ISO 9001, ISO 14001,
  • • INDECOPI, Peru (IAAC); Main scope ISO/IEC 17021; sub-scope ISO 14001;
  • • JAB, Japan (PAC); Main Scope: ISO/IEC Guide 65;
  • • INN, Chile; Main Scope: ISO/IEC 17021; Sub-Scope: ISO 9001 & ISO 14001;
  • • TUNAC, Tunisia; Main Scope: ISO/IEC 17021; Sub-Scope: ISO 9001 & ISO 14001.
Shanghai IAF24-8
Terms of Reference of the Communications and Marketing Committee
The General Assembly agreed to accept the proposed amendments to the terms of reference for the Communications and Marketing Committee to allow all IAF Members to nominate a representative.
Shanghai IAF24-10
User Advisory Committee
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report (ref IAF GA24_11) from the Chairman of the User Advisory Committee (UAC) as presented.
Shanghai IAF24-11
Treasurer’s Report on the Financial Operations of IAF in 2009
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report by the Treasurer on the Financial Affairs of IAF and the Report of the Financial Auditor on the Financial Operations of IAF, December 31, 2009 as presented.
Shanghai IAF24-12.1
Financial Oversight Committee
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report of the Financial Oversight Committee (ref IAF GA23_12-2), as circulated and endorsed the recommendation that the 2009 financial accounts be accepted.
Shanghai IAF24-12.2
Terms of Reference and Membership of the Financial Oversight Committee
The General Assembly agreed to accept the proposed revision of the terms of reference for the Financial Oversight Committee, resolved to appoint Mr. Toru Mikami (JQA), Mr Jeff Chen (TAF) and Mr. Marcos Aurélio Lima de Oliveira (Cgcre) to be members of the Financial Oversight Committee for the complete years of 2011 and 2012, and confirmed the nomination of Mr. Toru Mikami as the Chair of the Financial Oversight Committee.
Shanghai IAF24-12.2
Treasurer’s Report on the Financial Operations of IAF in 2010
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report by the Treasurer on the financial affairs of IAF for the period 1 January to 30 September 2010 as presented.
Shanghai IAF24-12.2
Provision of increased Secretarial Support
The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, resolved that the IAF Board would ensure appropriate secretarial support for the IAF main committees, with the necessary funding being provided for 2011 from IAF’s current reserves and a plan and budget for 2012 to be submitted for approval at the 2011 General Assembly meeting.
Shanghai IAF24-12.3
IAF Budget for 2011
The General Assembly approved the IAF Budget for 2011, as submitted by the Treasurer, and directed the Secretary to send invoices for membership fees for 2011 based upon the budget amount.
Shanghai IAF24-12.3
Election of Directors
The General Assembly congratulated Mr Ekanit Romyanon (NSC) on his election as Director representing Accreditation Body Members located in a low and medium income economy, as designated by the World Bank, for a three year term ending at the 2013 General Assembly Meeting. Notes:
  1. Mr Randy Dougherty (ANAB) will complete his first term as IAF Chairman at the 2012 General Assembly Meeting.
  2. Mr Xiao Jianhua (CNAS) will complete his first term as IAF Vice Chair at the 2012 General Assembly Meeting.
  3. Dr Thomas Facklam (DAkkS) will complete his first term as Director representing Accreditation Body Members located in a high income economy, as designated by the World Bank, at the 2012 General Assembly Meeting.
  4. Mr Guenther Beer (BDI) will complete his second term as Director representing Industry and User Association Members, at the 2011 General Assembly Meeting.
  5. Mr Roger Bennett (IIOC) will complete his first term as Director representing Conformity Assessment Body Association Members, at the 2011 General Assembly Meeting.
Shanghai IAF24-13
Transfer of the responsibility for the scope of inspection from a common IAF/ILAC ownership to ILAC alone
The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, resolved that the responsibility for the scope of inspection should be transferred from a common IAF/ILAC ownership to ILAC alone, with the understanding that the existing structure dealing with inspection in IAF/ILAC (i.e. the Joint Inspection Group) will be transferred into the ILAC structure with the possibility of participation of all members of IAF and ILAC. The General Assembly further resolved to ask ILAC to provide, in consideration of the potential extra cost related to become an ILAC Member, a cost neutral possibility for an IAF Member to become an ILAC Inspection MRA signatory, taking into account the needs of developing economies.
Shanghai IAF24-14
Confirmation of the JGA10 Resolutions
The General Assembly confirmed the Resolutions adopted by IAF and ILAC at the 10th IAF-ILAC Joint General Assembly as listed in Annex 1 to this document.
Shanghai IAF24-15
2010 Annual Meetings
The General Assembly expressed its appreciation for the generous hospitality and excellent arrangements provided by CNAS (China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment) as the host of the IAF Twenty Fourth Annual Meetings, held in October 2010, in Shanghai, China. The General Assembly particularly noted the opportunities created by CNAS for delegates to have an enriching cultural experience and was also pleased with the interest in accredited conformity assessment demonstrated by the participation of high ranking government officials.
Shanghai IAF24-16
Acceptance of Apologies and Proxies
The General Assembly received and accepted the list of apologies for non-attendance and accepted the notifications of proxies by members.
Shanghai IAF24-2
Approval of the Agenda
The General Assembly adopted the draft agenda (ref IAF GA 24_3 Rev 1).
Shanghai IAF24-3
Minutes of the Twenty Third Meeting
The General Assembly approved the draft Minutes as a true record of the Twenty Third Annual Meeting, held in Vancouver, Canada, on 18 and 20 October, 2009 (ref IAF-AM-09-006 Rev) as amended.
Shanghai IAF24-4
Report by the Chairman
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report of the Chairman as presented.
Shanghai IAF24-5
Current Membership
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report by the Secretary on the current IAF membership as at October 2010 (ref IAF-AM-10-001 Rev).
Shanghai IAF24-6.1
New Members
The General Assembly received the Secretary’s report (ref IAF GA24_6) on the admission to Accreditation Body membership since the 2009 Annual Meeting, of the Colombian National Accreditation Body (ONAC), the Hungarian Accreditation Board (NAT), the Kosovo Accreditation Directorate (DAK), the Scientific Technical Centre on Industrial Safety (STC-IS), Russian Federation and the International Accreditation Service (IAS), USA and the admission to Association membership of the Association of British Certification Bodies (ABCB), United Kingdom.
Shanghai IAF24-6.3
IAF Informative Documents (ID Series)
The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, supported by the Technical Committee, resolved that IAF PR2 be amended to permit IAF Informative Documents to proceed directly to 30 day IAF ballot, following a 30 day comment period by the relevant Committee and approval by the Committee Chairman that all comments received have been considered.
Shanghai IAF24-7
Technical Committee
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report from the Chairman of the Technical Committee (ref IAF GA 24_7) and noted the Technical Committee Program. IAF-AM-10-006 IAF.24 General Assembly - 2010
Shanghai IAF24-7
Joint Communiqué on Expected Outcomes for Accredited Certification to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the Technical Committee, requested that Accreditation Bodies translate the "expected outcomes" documents into their local language(s) (as used on their website and other promotional material) and make them available and that they
  • • promote the documents within their own organizations, with particular emphasis on their assessors,
  • • communicate and promote to their accredited Certification Bodies the existence of these documents and the importance for auditors and other certification body personnel to understand their content, and
  • • provide feedback in the assessment report on the knowledge and awareness of the content of these documents by certification bodies. The General Assembly further resolved to request all association members of IAF to communicate these documents to their members and other interested parties.
Shanghai IAF24-7
Reports from International Organisations
The Joint General Assembly received with appreciation the presentations and reports from the following international organizations:
  • • International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
  • • International Organisation for Standardization (ISO)
  • • International Organisation for Legal Metrology (OIML)
  • • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
  • • United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
  • • International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
Shanghai JGA10
The Joint General Assembly welcomed the signing of a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between IEC, ILAC and IAF, as a replacement for the existing MoUs between ILAC and IEC and between IAF and IEC.
Shanghai JGA10
The Joint General Assembly welcomed the signing of a revised tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between OIML, ILAC and IAF, which supersedes the existing MoU between the three parties.
Shanghai JGA10
Reports from IAF and ILAC Regional Groups
The Joint General Assembly received with appreciation the reports provided by APLAC, EA, IAAC, PAC and SADCA.
Shanghai JGA10
Invitation for the 2013 Annual Meetings
The Joint General Assembly accepted with appreciation the invitation by KAS and KOLAS to host the 2013 IAF-ILAC Annual Meetings in Seoul, South Korea.
Shanghai JGA10
Acceptance of Apologies and Proxies
The General Assembly received and accepted the list of apologies for non-attendance and accepted the notifications of proxies by members.
Vancouver IAF23-2
Approval of the Agenda
The General Assembly adopted the draft agenda (ref IAF GA 23_3 Rev 1).
Vancouver IAF23-3
Minutes of the Twenty Second Meeting
The General Assembly approved the draft Minutes as a true record of the Twenty Second Annual Meeting, held in Stockholm, Sweden, on 19 and 21 October, 2008 (ref IAF-AM-08-008 Rev) as amended.
Vancouver IAF23-4
Report by the Chairman
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report of the Chairman as presented.
Vancouver IAF23-5
Current Membership
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report by the Secretary on the current IAF membership as at October 2009 (ref IAF-AM-09-002 Rev1).
Vancouver IAF23-6.1
New Members
The General Assembly received the Secretary’s report (ref IAF GA23_6) on the admission to Accreditation Body membership since the 2008 Annual Meeting, of the Costa Rica Accreditation Entity (ECA) and the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA), USA and the admission to Association membership of GLOBALGAP, the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) and the European Organization for Quality (EOQ) Note: A2LA (USA), GLOBALGAP, IAQG and the EOQ signed the IAF MoU at a ceremony during the IAF-ILAC Gala Dinner on 19 October 2009.
Vancouver IAF23-6.3
Technical Committee
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report from the Chairman of the Technical Committee (ref IAF GA 23_7) and noted the Technical Committee Program.
Vancouver IAF23-7
MLA Committee
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report from the Chairman of the MLA Committee (ref IAF GA 23_8) and noted the MLA Committee program.
Vancouver IAF23-8
New IAF MLA Signatories
The General Assembly noted the admission to the IAF MLA signatories, since the 2008 General Assembly, of Cgcre/INMETRO of Brazil for Product Certification and EGAC of Egypt for QMS as a consequence of IAF peer evaluation, and KAN of Indonesia (PAC) for Product Certification, STANDARDS MALAYSIA of Malaysia (PAC) for Product Certification and RENAR of Romania (EA) for EMS as a consequence of PAC or EA MLA membership. Note: Cgcre/INMETRO, Standards Malaysia and KAN signed the IAF MLA for Product, EGAC signed the IAF MLA for QMS, and RENAR signed the IAF MLA for EMS at a ceremony during the IAF-ILAC Gala Dinner on 19 October 2009.
Vancouver IAF23-8
IAF MLA for Accreditation of FSMS
The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, resolved to extend the IAF MLA to cover the sub-scope for accreditation of Food Safety Management System Certification Bodies, noting that
  • - the sub-scope will be a part of the main scope for Management Systems in accordance with ISO/IEC 17021 of the IAF MLA based on ISO/IEC 17011,
  • - the sub-scope for FSMS will be based on ISO 22000 as the requirements for certified organizations and ISO/TS 22003 as the requirements for Certification Bodies in addition to ISO/IEC 17021, which will be added to IAF PR4, and the Technical Committee will study the need for, and if found necessary, develop a specific IAF application document, and
  • - the MLA Committee will develop a work plan for commencement of the MLA peer evaluations upon the completion of the technical work by the Technical Committee.
Vancouver IAF23-8
User Advisory Committee
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report (ref IAF GA23_11) from the Chair of the User Advisory Committee (UAC) as presented.
Vancouver IAF23-11
Treasurer’s Report on the Financial Operations of IAF in 2008
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report by the Treasurer on the Financial Affairs of IAF and the Report of the Financial Auditor on the Financial Operations of IAF, December 31, 2008 as presented.
Vancouver IAF23-12.1
Financial Oversight Committee
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report of the Financial Oversight Committee (ref IAF GA23_12-2), as circulated and endorsed the recommendation that the 2008 financial accounts be accepted.
Vancouver IAF23-12.2
Treasurer’s Report on the Financial Operations of IAF in 2009
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report by the Treasurer on the financial affairs of IAF for the period 1 January to 30 September 2009 as presented.
Vancouver IAF23-12.2
IAF Budget for 2010
The General Assembly, approved the IAF Budget for 2010 as submitted by the Treasurer and directed the Secretary to send invoices for membership fees for 2010 based upon the budget amount.
Vancouver IAF23-12.3
Liaison Reports to IAF
The General Assembly received with appreciation the liaison reports and presentations from ISO/TC 176 (ref IAF GA23_13-1), IAQG (ref IAF GA23_13-2), GFSI (ref IAF GA23_13-3) and GLOBALGAP.
Vancouver IAF23-13