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GA Resolutions
Resolution Number Resolution Resolution Content Location and Agenda Item
Election of Committee Chairs
The General Assembly congratulated the following members elected as IAF Committee Chairs for three year terms ending at the 2018 General Assembly Meeting:
  • - Mr Ekanit Romyanon (NSC), re-elected as Technical Committee Chair
  • - Mr Jon Murthy (UKAS), re-elected as Communications and Marketing Committee Chair
  • - Ms Sheronda Jeffries (QuEST Forum), elected as User Advisory Committee Chair
  • - Mr Norman Brunner (AA), elected as MLA Committee Chair
  • - Mr Geir Samuelsen (NA), elected as Accreditation Body Information Exchange Group Co-Chair
  • - Ms Andrea Barroso Melo Monteiro de Queiroz (CGCRE), elected as Development Support Committee Chair
Milan IAF29-18
Membership of the Financial Oversight Committee (FOC)
The General Assembly agreed to appoint Jan van der Poel for a three-year term as an Accreditation Body Member for the complete years of 2016, 2017 and 2018. Notes:
  1. Mr Marcos Aurélio Lima de Oliveira will complete his second term as FOC Chair and Accreditation Body Member at the end of 2016.
  2. Mr Eric Janssens will complete his second term as FOC Association Member at the end of 2016.
Milan IAF29-19
Outgoing Board Members, Chairs and FOC Member
The General Assembly expressed its appreciation to the outgoing Board members, Chairs and FOC member for their dedicated service to IAF.
Milan IAF29-19
Confirmation of the JGA 15 Resolutions
The General Assembly confirmed the Resolutions adopted by IAF and ILAC at the 15th IAF-ILAC Joint General Assembly as listed in Annex 1 to this document.
Milan IAF29-21
2015 Annual Meetings
The General Assembly expressed its appreciation for the excellent meeting arrangements and friendly atmosphere provided by L’Ente Italiano Di Accreditamento (ACCREDIA) for the 29th meeting of the IAF General Assembly and associated meetings, 28 October to 06 November in Milan, Italy.
Milan IAF29-23
Reports from External Organisations
The Joint General Assembly received with appreciation the presentations and reports from the following organizations:
  • • International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
  • • International Organisation for Legal Metrology (OIML)
  • • United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Milan JGA15
Report from ISO
The Joint General Assembly received with appreciation the presentation and report from the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) and in particular the activities of CASCO. Further the Joint General Assembly expresses its appreciation for the liaison work and cooperation and leadership of Messrs Rob Steele, Lane Hallenbeck and Sean Mac Curtain.
Milan JGA15
The Joint General Assembly endorses the re-signing of a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between IEC, ILAC and IAF, as a replacement for the existing MoU between IEC, ILAC and IAF.
Milan JGA15
Reports from IAF and ILAC Regional Groups
The Joint General Assembly received with appreciation the reports provided by APLAC, EA, IAAC, PAC, AFRAC, ARAC and SADCA.
Milan JGA15
Thank you ACCREDIA
The Joint General Assembly expresses its appreciation to ACCREDIA, for hosting the Joint IAF/ILAC meetings 28 October to 6 November 2015, in Milan, Italy.
Milan JGA15
Acceptance of Apologies and Proxies
The General Assembly received and accepted the list of apologies for nonattendance and accepted the notifications of proxies by Members.
Vancouver IAF28-2
Approval of the Agenda
The General Assembly adopted the draft Agenda (ref IAF GA 28_3).
Vancouver IAF28-3
Minutes of the Twenty-Seventh Meeting
The General Assembly approved the draft Minutes as a true record of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Meeting, held in Seoul, South Korea, on 23 and 25 October, 2013 (ref IAF GA_27_minutes).
Vancouver IAF28-4
Report by the Chairman
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report from the Chairman as presented.
Vancouver IAF28-5
Treasurer’s Report on the Financial Operations of IAF in 2013
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report on the Financial Affairs of IAF and the Report of the Financial Auditor on the Financial Operations of IAF, December 31, 2013 as presented.
Vancouver IAF28-6.1
Financial Oversight Committee Report
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report of the Financial Oversight Committee (ref IAF GA28_6.2), as circulated and endorsed the recommendation that the 2013 financial accounts be accepted.
Vancouver IAF28-6.2
IAF Budget for 2015
The General Assembly approved Rev. 1 of the IAF Budget for 2015, as submitted by the Treasurer.
Vancouver IAF28-6.3
Current Membership
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report by the Secretary on the current IAF membership as at October 2014.
Vancouver IAF28-7
Membership Changes
The General Assembly received the Secretary’s report on the admission to the IAF MoU, since the 2013 Annual meeting, of the following Members (in order of the date of membership approval) :
  • • The Quality System for Feed Additives and Premixtures (FAMI-QS)
  • • The Gulf Cooperation Council Accreditation Center (GAC)
Vancouver IAF28-7
Technical Committee
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report (ref IAF GA28_8) from the Chairman of the Technical Committee and noted the Technical Committee Program.
Vancouver IAF28-8
ISO 14001: 2015: Environmental Management Systems – Requirements with guidance for use
The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the Technical Committee, resolved to endorse ISO 14001: 2015 as a normative document. The General Assembly further agreed that the transition period of ISO 14001: 2015 will be three years from the date of publication.
Vancouver IAF28-8
ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015: Conformity Assessment – Requirements for Bodies Providing Audit and Certification of Management Systems
The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the Technical Committee, resolved to endorse ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015, as a normative document. The General Assembly further agreed that the transition period for the implementation of ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 will be two years from the date of publication.
Vancouver IAF28-8
ISO 50001: Energy management systems –Requirements with guidance for use and ISO 50003: Energy management systems -Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of energy management systems
The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the Technical Committee, recognizes that the ISO 50001 and ISO 50003 are the appropriate standards for certification and accreditation in the energy management systems field. The General Assembly further agreed that the implementation period for ISO 50003:2014 will be three years from the date of publication.   Note: As the date of publication was 14 October 2014, the deadline for Certification Bodies to conform will be 14 October 2017.
Vancouver IAF28-8
MLA Committee
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report from the Chairman of the MLA Committee (ref IAF GA28_9) and noted the MLA Committee program
Vancouver IAF28-9
New IAF MLA Signatories
The General Assembly noted the admissions to the IAF MLA, since the 2013 General Assembly, of the following IAF Members:
  • NCA Kazakhstan (PAC) – Main Scope: Product Certification -ISO/IEC Guide 65/17065
  • SLAB Sri Lanka (PAC) – Main Scopes: Product Certification -ISO/IEC Guide 65/17065, and Management System Certification -ISO/IEC 17021, and Sub-Scopes, Level 5: ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
Vancouver IAF28-9
New MLA Scope Extensions
The General Assembly noted the MLA scope extensions, since the 2013 General Assembly, of the following IAF Members:
  • EGAC Egypt -Main Scope: Management System Certification -ISO/IEC 17021, and Sub-Scope, Level 5: ISO 14001
  • ATS Serbia – Main Scope: Management System Certification – ISO/IEC 17021, and Sub-Scopes, Level 5: ISO 9001, and ISO 14001
  • AA Austria, ACCREDIA Italy, ANSI USA, BELAC Belgium, CAI Czech Republic, CGCRE Brazil, CNAS P.R. China, COFRAC France, DAkkS Germany, DANAK Denmark, EMA Mexico, ENAC Spain, ESYD Greece, INAB Ireland, IPAC Portugal, JAS-ANZ Australia and New Zealand, NA Norway, NABCB India, OAA Argentina, RvA Netherlands, SAS Switzerland, SANAS South Africa, SNAS Slovakia, SWEDAC Sweden, TURKAK Turkey, and UKAS United Kingdom  for the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) Certification Scheme for Level 4: Product, General Regulations, and for Level 5: Product, IFA Control Points and Compliance Criteria.
Vancouver IAF28-9
IAF MLA for Accreditation of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Validation and Verification Bodies
The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, resolved to extend the scope of the IAF MLA to include the accreditation of GHG Validation and Verification Bodies, noting that the extension of the MLA will be part of the IAF MLA based on the Main scope, ISO 14065. The scope extension process can commence on acceptance of this Resolution.
Vancouver IAF28-9
User Advisory Committee (UAC)
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report from the Chairman of the User Advisory Committee (ref IAF GA28_12).
Vancouver IAF28-12
Conformity Assessment Body Advisory Committee (CABAC)
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report from the Chairman of the Conformity Assessment Body Advisory Committee (ref IAF GA28_13).
Vancouver IAF28-13
Accreditation Body Information Exchange Group (ABIEG)
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report from the Co-Chair of the Accreditation Body Information Exchange Group (ref IAF GA28_14).
Vancouver IAF28-14
Election of IAF Directors
The General Assembly congratulated Mr Trevor Nash, ABCB, elected as Director representing Conformity Assessment Body Association Members, for a three-year term ending at the 2017 General Assembly. Notes:
  1. Mr Vu Xuan Thuy (BOA) will complete his first term as Director representing Low and Medium Income Accreditation Body Members, at the 2016 General Assembly Meeting.
  2. Mr Randy Dougherty (ANAB) will complete his second term as IAF Chairman, at the 2015 General Assembly Meeting.
  3. Mr Xiao Jianhua (CNAS) will complete his second term as IAF Vice Chair at the 2015 General Assembly Meeting.
  4. Dr Thomas Facklam (DAkkS) will complete his second term as Director representing Accreditation Body Members located in a high income economy, as designated by the World Bank, at the 2015 General Assembly Meeting.
  5. Mr Martin Stadler (BDI) will complete his first term as Director representing Industry and User Association Members at the 2015 General Assembly Meeting.
Vancouver IAF28-15
Membership of the Financial Oversight Committee (FOC)
The General Assembly agreed to appoint Mr Eric Janssens (EOQ) for a second two-year term as an Association Member, for the complete years of 2015 and 2016, and Mr Marcos Oliveira (CGCRE) for a final two-year term as an Accreditation Body Member, for the complete years of 2015 and 2016, and as Chair of the FOC for 2015 and 2016.
Vancouver IAF28-17
Confirmation of the JGA 14 Resolutions
The General Assembly confirmed the Resolutions adopted by IAF and ILAC at the 14th IAF-ILAC Joint General Assembly as listed in Annex 1 to this document.
Vancouver IAF28-21
Annual Meeting Surplus
The General Assembly expressed its appreciation to our Korean hosts of the 2013 Annual Meeting for the refund of the surplus from that meeting, to be applied against future annual meetings.
Vancouver IAF28-22
Annual Meetings
The General Assembly expressed its appreciation for the excellent meeting arrangements and friendly atmosphere provided by the National Standardization Council of Thailand and IAF and ILAC for the 28th meeting of the IAF General Assembly and associated meetings, 08 to 17 October 2014, in Vancouver, Canada.
Vancouver IAF28-22
Reports from External Organisations
The Joint General Assembly received with appreciation the presentations and reports from the following organizations:
  • • International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
  • • International Organisation for Standardization (ISO)
  • • International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
  • • European Commission (EC)
  • • International Organisation for Legal Metrology (OIML)
  • • United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Vancouver JGA14
The Joint General Assembly welcomed the signing of a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between OIML, ILAC and IAF, as a replacement for the existing MoU between OIML, ILAC and IAF.
Vancouver JGA14
The Joint General Assembly welcomed the signing of a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between UNIDO, ILAC and IAF, as a replacement for the existing MoU between UNIDO, ILAC and IAF.
Vancouver JGA14
Reports from IAF and ILAC Regional Groups
The Joint General Assembly received with appreciation the reports provided by APLAC, EA, IAAC, PAC, AFRAC, ARAC and SADCA.
Vancouver JGA14
Thank you TISI
The Joint General Assembly expresses its appreciation to TISI, in the role of honorary host for the Joint IAF/ILAC meetings 8 to 17 October 2014, in Vancouver, Canada
Vancouver JGA14
Acceptance of Apologies and Proxies
The General Assembly received and accepted the list of apologies for non-attendance and accepted the notifications of proxies by Members.
Seoul IAF27-2
Approval of the Agenda
The General Assembly adopted the draft agenda (ref IAF GA 27_3).
Seoul IAF27-3
Minutes of the Twenty Sixth Meeting
The General Assembly approved the draft Minutes as a true record of the Twenty Sixth Annual Meeting, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 27 and 29 October, 2012 (ref IAF GA_26_minutes).
Seoul IAF27-4
Report by the Chairman
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report from the Chairman as presented.
Seoul IAF27-5
Treasurer’s Report on the Financial Operations of IAF in 2012
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report on the Financial Affairs of IAF and the Report of the Financial Auditor on the Financial Operations of IAF, December 31, 2012 as presented.
Seoul IAF27-6.1
Appointment of IAF Treasurer
The General Assembly resolved that the IAF Board shall appoint a Treasurer from the IAF Membership and amend the mandate of the current Treasurer's position in the IAF Secretariat to that of Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
Seoul IAF27-6.1
Financial Oversight Committee Report
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report of the Financial Oversight Committee (ref IAF GA27_6.2), as circulated and endorsed the recommendation that the 2012 financial accounts be accepted.
Seoul IAF27-6.2
IAF Budget for 2014
The General Assembly approved the IAF Budget for 2014, as submitted by the Treasurer.
Seoul IAF27-6.3
Current Membership
The General Assembly received with appreciation the report by the Secretary on the current IAF membership as at October 2013.
Seoul IAF27-7
Membership Changes
The General Assembly received the Secretary’s report on the admission, since the 2012 Annual meeting, of the African Accreditation Cooperation (AFRAC) and the Arab Accreditation Cooperation (ARAC) as Special Recognition Organizations - Regional Accreditation Bodies. The General Assembly also noted the admissions to the IAF MoU, since the 2012 General Assembly, of the following Members (in order of membership approval):
  • • Kenya Accreditation Service (KENAS);
  • • Sri Lanka Accreditation Board for Conformity Assessment (SLAB);
  • • National Center of Accreditation in Kazakhstan (NCA);
  • • Quality Excellence for Suppliers of Telecommunications Forum (QuEST)
  • • International Confederation of Inspection and Certification Organizations (CEOC International)
  The General Assembly noted the resignations of the Associazione Laboratori di Prova e Organismi di Certificazione Indipendenti (ALPI) and the International Personnel Certification Association (IPC).
Seoul IAF27-7