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GA Resolutions
Resolution Number Resolution Resolution Content Location and Agenda Item
IAF Organisational Restructure
The Annual Meeting received the Board report on the outcome of the 60 day letter ballot which closed on 31 October, and the approval of the organisational restructure (ref IAF-BD-01-022), and noted that the new structure has been implemented by the Board immediately. [Note - the document setting out the organisational structure of IAF (ref IAF-BD-01-022) is available in the IAF web site for downloading by Members]
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.4
IAF Organisational Restructure
The Annual Meeting endorsed the Board’s appointment of Chairpersons of newly approved Committees as follows:
  • Roger Brockway: Technical Committee
  • Elva Nilsen: MLA Committee
  • Veronica Garcia de SolĂłrzano: Development Support Committee.
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.4
Organisational Restructuring for MLA Committee
Acting on the recommendation of the MLA Committee, the Annual Meeting agrees that the new MLA Committee Structure be implemented with the three Subordinate Committees and Terms of Reference of those committees (MLA Management Committee, MLA Training Sub-Committee, and MLA Procedures Sub-Committee) as noted in Annex 3 to IAF-BD-01-022
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.4
Membership of the IAF MLA Committee
The Annual Meeting agrees that following the Annual Meeting, the Secretariat of IAF will ask IAF members to confirm their member on the MLA Committee; members of the proposed Training Sub-Committee and the MLA Procedures Sub-Committee will be selected from those members; and, that membership of the Training Sub-Committee include regional group training coordinators as identified by the regions, and an ILAC representative, with the Chair of the Training Sub-Committee to be chosen from this group; and, that there be no change to the MLA MC membership at this time, except to fill the requirements of the existing matrix, which was not changed with the organizational restructuring.   [Note - The Secretary invited all Members to advise their Representatives in each of the three main Committees on 31 December 2001. Nomination of Member Representatives on each of the Committees close on 28 January 2002]
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.4.b
MLA Procedures Sub-Committee
The Annual Meeting agrees that the Chair of the MLA Committee should work with the Chairman of the former WG.2 to ensure an orderly transition to a new arrangement prior to the next Annual Meeting, including a redefinition of membership and specific tasks to be handled by the Procedures Sub-Committee, and more general tasks to be considered by the MLA Committee as a whole.
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.4.c
IAF Quality Manual
The Annual Meeting endorsed the proposal for the IAF Quality Manual as circulated and presented.   [Note - the final version of the Quality Manual will be considered at the meeting of the Executive Committee in February 2002]
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.5
Procedures for the Internal Audit of the IAF Management and Secretariat
The Annual Meeting approved the “Procedures for the Internal Audit of the IAF Management Process” (ref IAF-BD-01-030) as circulated and presented, amended to provide that the auditors’ travel and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed, but no fees for time will be paid, and directed the Board to arrange for the carrying out of an Internal Audit on the IAF Management and Secretariat during 2002.   [Note - the “Procedures for the Internal Audit of the IAF Management Process” (ref IAF-BD-01-030) has been amended in accordance with Resolution 2001-16 and is available in the IAF web site for downloading by Members]
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.5
Procedures for the Internal Audit of the IAF MLA Management
The Annual Meeting approved the “Procedures for the Internal Audit of the IAF MLA Management Process” (ref IAF-ML-01-004) as circulated and presented, amended to provide that the auditors’ travel and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed, but no fees for time will be paid, and directed the Board to arrange for the carrying out of an Internal Audit on the IAF MLA Management during 2002.   [Note - the “Procedures for the Internal Audit of the IAF MLA Management Process” (ref IAF-ML-01-004) has been amended in accordance with Resolution 2001-17 and is available in the IAF web site for downloading by Members]
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.5
Election of Directors
The Annual Meeting, noting that the current terms of office of the board directors will terminate in September 2002, agrees, in order to introduce a staggering mechanism as described in Section 4.02 of the newly approved Bylaws, Issue 2, as follows:
  • -Director and Vice-Chairman Dr Thomas Facklam is to resign and to be re-elected for a three-year term, to end at the 2004 Annual Meeting.
  • -Director Ms VerĂłnica Garcia de SolĂłrzano, representing Developing Accreditation Bodies, is to resign and to be re-elected for a three-year term, to end at the 2004 Annual Meeting.
  • -Director and Chairman Dr Takashi Ohtsubo is to resign and to be re-elected for a two-year term, to end at the 2003 Annual Meeting. Note that Dr Ohtsubo will resign at the 2002 Annual Meeting, and the person elected in 2002 as a Director to replace him will serve for only one year.
  • -Director and Treasurer, Mr Joseph R Dunbeck, representing Accreditation Body Members, is to resign and to be re-elected for a two-year term, to end at the 2003 Annual Meeting. Note that Mr Dunbeck will resign at the 2002 Annual Meeting, and the person elected in 2002 as a Director to replace him will serve for only one year.
  • -Director Mr Dale Misczynski, representing Industry and User Association Members, will continue to occupy the office until the election at the 2002 Annual Meeting.
  • -Director Mr Sandy Sutherland, representing Accredited Certification / Registration Body Association Members, will continue to occupy the office until the election at the 2002 Annual Meeting.
Kyoto IAF15-5.2.4
Treasurer’s Report on the Financial Operations of IAF in 2000
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report by the Treasurer on the Financial Affairs of IAF and the Report of the Financial Auditor on the Financial Operations of IAF for the complete year of 2000 (ref IAF-BD-01-028) as circulated and presented.   [Note - the Report on the Financial Auditor on the Financial Operations of IAF for the complete year of 2000 (ref IAF-BD-01-028) is available in the IAF web site for downloading by Members]
Kyoto IAF15-5.2.1
Report of the Financial Oversight Committee
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report of the Financial Oversight Committee (ref IAF-PL-01-022), as circulated and presented by the Financial Oversight Committee.
Kyoto IAF15-5.2.2
Treasurer’s Report on the Financial Operations of IAF in 2001
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report by the Treasurer on the Financial Affairs of IAF for the period 1 January to 30 September 2001 (ref IAF-PL-01-028) as circulated and presented.
Kyoto IAF15-5.2.3
IAF Budget for 2002
The Annual Meeting approved the IAF Budget for 2002 submitted by the Treasurer (ref IAF-PL-01-026) and directs the Board to send invoices for membership fees in 2002, based upon the budget amount for membership fees of $US 282,350, in accordance with the Membership Fees Rules (ref IAF-PL-00-028) to all members as quickly as possible.
Kyoto IAF15-5.2.4
Forecast Membership Fees
The Annual Meeting noted the Board’s prediction of membership fees in the year 2002, and noted that the quantum of fees for each member may vary depending on information available to the Board subsequent to this meeting.   [Note - Invoices for 2002 Membership fees were sent to all IAF Members in early December 2001, with a due date of 1 January 2002]
Kyoto IAF15-5.2.4
New Members
The Annual Meeting received the Secretary’s report on the admission to membership since the 2000 Annual Meeting of two new Association Members (CIES - The Food Business Forum, and JACB - the Japan Association of Certification Bodies). The Annual Meeting also noted that, as a result of the adoption of the Bylaws Issue 2, EA, IAAC and PAC were now classified as Special Recognition Regional Groups.
Kyoto IAF15-5.3.3
Admission of KAS
The Annual Meeting, noting the information provided to it, votes to extend an invitation to KAS (Korea) to become an Accreditation Body Member.   [Note - KAS signed the MoU and so became an Accreditation Body Member on 6 November 2001]
Kyoto IAF15-5.3.4
Special Recognition Status
The Annual Meeting, noting the information provided to it, votes to grant Special Recognition Status as a Special Interest Liaison Group, under Section 3.13.03 of the Bylaws, to ISO, ISO/CASCO, ISO/TC176 and to the QuEST Forum, Inc.   [Note - After agreement by the QuEST Forum and ISO to grant IAF reciprocal access to their organisations, the formal grant of Special Recognition Status to the QuEST Forum was made in December 2001 and to ISO in January 2002]
Kyoto IAF15-5.3.5
Revised Annual Meeting Procedures
The Annual Meeting approved the Revised Annual Meeting Procedures as amended to comply with the Bylaws Issue 2 (ref IAF-PL-01-017) as circulated.   [Note - the revised "Annual Meeting Procedures" (ref IAF-PL-01-017) has been amended in accordance with Resolution 2001-27 and is available in the IAF web site for downloading by Members]
Kyoto IAF15-5.3.6
Revised General Procedures
The Annual Meeting approved the Revised General Procedures as amended to comply with the Bylaws Issue 2 (ref IAF-PL-01-018) and newly approved Organizational Restructure (ref IAF-BD-01-022) as circulated.   [Note - the revised "General Procedures" (ref IAF-PL-01-018) has been amended in accordance with Resolution 2001-28 and is available in the IAF web site for downloading by Members]
Kyoto IAF15-5.3.7
Report from the Chair of the Technical Committee
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report from the Chair of the Technical Committee (ref IAF-W1-01-001).
Kyoto IAF15-6.1.1
(From Technical Committee) Witness Audits
The Annual Meeting supports the principle of random sampling for accreditation body witness audits of accredited certification / registration body activities, and that this be treated by certification / registration bodies as an obligation, not a favour. The Annual Meeting directs the Board to issue guidance requiring IAF Accreditation Body Members to require accredited certification / registration bodies to have enforceable arrangements with organizations holding an accredited certificate, to ensure access to witness the certification / registration bodies audit team performing an audit at the organization’s site.   [Note - the guidance in accordance with Resolution 2001-30 was added as an Annex to the IAF Guidance on the Application of ISO/IEC Guide 61 in May 2002]
Kyoto IAF15-6.1.1
(From Technical Committee) Guidance on ISO/IEC Guide 61
Acting on the recommendation of the Technical Committee, the Annual Meeting resolves that the IAF Guidance on ISO/IEC Guide 61 Issue 2 as approved by the members of IAF in October 2001 be further amended by the 8 non-substantial amendments agreed in the Technical Committee on 5 November 2001, affecting clauses 0.1.1, G.2.1.3, G.2.1.28, G.2.3.2, G.2.7.3, G.2.7.4, G.3.4.3, G.3.5.10, and be published by IAF for implementation by IAF members by 1 July 2002.   [Note - the revised "IAF Guidance on ISO/IEC Guide 61 Issue 2 " has been amended in accordance with Resolution 2001-31 and is available in the IAF web site for downloading by Members]
Kyoto IAF15-6.1
(From Technical Committee) Guidance on ISO/IEC Guide 62
(including the 4 Annexes) the Annual Meeting resolves that the guidance document as approved by the members of IAF in October 2001 be further amended by the 7 non-substantial amendments agreed in the Technical Committee on 5 November 2001, affecting clauses G.2.1.39, G.3.4.4, G.3.5.2, G.3.7.4, Annex 3, 4.4, Annex 4, 1.1, and Annex 4, 2.2, and be published by IAF for implementation by IAF members by 1 July 2002.   [Note - the revised "IAF Guidance on ISO/IEC Guide 62 Issue 2 " has been amended in accordance with Resolution 2001-32 and is available in the IAF web site for downloading by Members]
Kyoto IAF15-6.1
(From Technical Committee) Guidance on ISO/IEC Guide 66
The Annual Meeting resolves that the chairman of the Technical Committee be authorised to make equivalent changes to the IAF Guidance on ISO/IEC Guide 66, Issue 2 (including the 2 Annexes) as approved by members of IAF in November 2001 to those agreed in the Technical Committee for the above 2 documents arising from comments made by members of IAF attached to their votes, affecting Guidance notes G.4.1.17, G.4.1.35, G.5.3.10, G.5.4, G.5.5.3, G.5.7, G.5.8, Annex 1, Notes 5 to Table 1, Annex 2, 1.2, Annex 2. 1.3.1, Annex 2, 1.3.2., and submit the finalised document for publication by IAF for implementation by IAF members by 1 July 2002.   [Note - the revised "IAF Guidance on ISO/IEC Guide 66 Issue 2 " has been amended in accordance with Resolution 2001-33 and is available in the IAF web site for downloading by Members]
Kyoto IAF15-6.1
Report from the Chair of the MLA MC and the MLA Group
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report from the Chair of the MLA Management Committee and the MLA Group (ref IAF-ML-01-007).
Kyoto IAF15-6.2.1
New IAF QMS MLA Signatory
The Annual Meeting notes the report of the MLA Committee that, as a consequence of AC MLA membership, the accreditation body member ema, (Entidad Mexicana de Acreditacion, AC) Mexico, has been approved for membership of the IAF QMS MLA.   [Note: ema signed the IAF QMS MLA at a ceremony during the IAF.15 Annual Meeting on 03 November 2001.]
Kyoto IAF15-6.2.2
IAF Logo / Symbol
Acting on the recommendation of the MLA Committee, the Annual Meeting agrees that IAF proceed with the development of an IAF logo / symbol which IAF MLA member accreditation bodies will be authorised to license accredited bodies to use.   [Note - the issue of an IAF logo is on the agenda for the Executive Committee meeting in February 2002.]
Kyoto IAF15-6.2.2
IAF Logo / Symbol
Acting on the recommendation of the MLA Committee, the Annual Meeting agrees that IAF should explore with ILAC the extent to which the IAF logo / symbol can be developed and promoted in combination with ILAC, and the extent to which the rules for using this logo / symbol can be common with ILAC.   [Note - IAF will discuss with ILAC the possible development of a shared logo early in 2002.]
Kyoto IAF15-6.2.2
Report of the Chairman of former WG.2
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report presented by the Chairman of the former WG.2. (ref IAF-W2-01-001).
Kyoto IAF15-6.2.3
Accreditation Body Instructions on use of “MLA Words”
Acting on the recommendation of the former WG 2, the Annual Meeting resolves that the former WG2 Chair work with the IAF Secretary to collect copies of Accreditation Body instructions to accredited certification / registration bodies on the use of the “MLA Words” and to examine such instructions for content and consistency.   [Note - the Secretary asked all Accreditation Body Members to provide him with a copy of their instructions to accredited certification / registration bodies on the use of the “MLA Words” in December 2001]
Kyoto IAF15-6.2.3
Documents Explaining MLA
Acting on the recommendation of the former WG 2, the Annual Meeting encourages the IAF Board’s Publicity Group to consider the preparation of documents that will explain to the general public the meaning of the MLA.   [Note - this matter is on the agenda for the Executive Committee meeting in February 2002.]
Kyoto IAF15-6.2.3
Cooperation with WTO
Acting on the recommendation of the former WG 2, the Annual Meeting resolves that IAF should explore ways to work with the WTO for the purpose of promotion of the MLA.   [Note - this matter is on the agenda for the Executive Committee meeting in February 2002.]
Kyoto IAF15-6.2.3
Peer Evaluation Reports
Acting on the recommendation of the former WG 2, the Annual Meeting resolves that PAC document PAC-DOC-023, “PAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement - Peer Evaluation Guidance on Completing Peer Evaluation Reports”, be forwarded to the MLA Committee for finalization as an IAF document and for circulation to Members for adoption by letter ballot as an IAF document. The Annual Meeting further resolves that the finalized document be forwarded to ILAC for use in IAF-ILAC harmonization discussions on common procedures.   [Note - the document “Guidance on Completing Peer Evaluation Reports”, with IAF reference number IAF-GM-02-001, was submitted to Members for approval in a letter ballot on 8 January 2002. The letter ballot will close on 8 March 2002. The IAF document was forwarded to ILAC also on 8 January 2002.]
Kyoto IAF15-6.2.3
Sector Specific Criteria in MLA Policies and Procedures Document
The Annual Meeting notes that a task group to study the issues of incorporating sector specific criteria into IAF MLA Policies and Procedures Document and of the impact of sector specific schemes on requirements for auditor training was established under the former WG.2. and requests the MLA Committee to continue that work.
Kyoto IAF15-6.2.3
Revised IAF Policies and Procedures for a Multilateral Recognition Arrangement on the Level of Accreditation Bodies and on the Level of Regional Groups
The Annual Meeting approved the Revised IAF Policies and Procedures for a Multilateral Recognition Arrangement on the Level of Accreditation Bodies and on the Level of Regional Groups, Issue 3, as amended to comply with the Bylaws Issue 2, and circulated (ref IAF-PL-01-024) for immediate implementation. [Note -the revised " Policies and Procedures for a Multilateral Recognition Arrangement on the Level of Accreditation Bodies and on the Level of Regional Groups, Issue 3" has been amended in accordance with Resolution 2001-44 and is available in the IAF web site for downloading by Members]
Kyoto IAF15-6.2.3
Report of the Chairman of former WG.4
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report presented by the Chairman of the former WG.4. (ref IAF-W2-01-001).
Kyoto IAF15-6.3.1
Thank you letter to UNIDO
The Annual Meeting requested the IAF Chair to send a letter to UNIDO thanking them for the cooperation that has been given to the Developing Accreditation Bodies, and to liaise with ILAC for ILAC to prepare a similar letter.
Kyoto IAF15-6.3.1
UNIDO / IAF Cooperation
The Annual Meeting requested the IAF Chair to ask UNIDO for the allocation of funds for future years to continue with the UNIDO / IAF cooperation and, if possible, to expand the assistance to include areas such as Development of Regional Bodies, EMS MLA and Product MLA, and to liaise with ILAC for ILAC to prepare a similar letter. [Note - a draft letter to UNIDO as directed by resolutions 2001-46 and 2001-47 was submitted to the Executive for comment on 9 January 2002, and the final version will be sent to UNIDO and copied to ILAC as soon as it is approved.]
Kyoto IAF15-6.3.1
Submission from the Developing Accreditation Body in Moldova
The Annual Meeting received the Submission from the Developing Accreditation Body in Moldova. (ref IAF-W4-01-001).
Kyoto IAF15-6.3.2
Report of the ISO TC/176 liaison to IAF
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report presented by the ISO TC/176 Liaison Representative to IAF.
Kyoto IAF15-8.2.1
Proposed Task Force on Standards and Conformity Assessment
The Annual Meeting asks the Executive Committee to consider the suggestion by the ISO TC/176 Liaison Representative to IAF for the establishment of a Task Force in IAF with membership made up from Accreditation Body Members of IAF, ISO/TC176, ISO-CASCO, Certification / Registration Body members of IAF, Industry Members of IAF, Auditor recognition bodies, such as IATCA, Industry Sector groups (IATF, QuEST etc) and consumers. With terms of reference to monitor the credibility of ISO9001:2000 in the market place, to discuss issues of user satisfaction, to identify issues for interpretation or guidance, to encourage feedback from users and consumers, and to provide input to each of the constituent members of the Task Force for analysis and action as appropriate.   [Note - the proposed Task Force will hold its first meeting in association with the meeting of the Executive Committee in May 2002.]
Kyoto IAF15-8.2.1
Report of the Liaison to ISO TC/207
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report presented by the IAF Liaison Representative to ISO TC/207 (ref IAF-W1-01-002).
Kyoto IAF15-8.2.2
Report of IAF to ISO TC/207
The Annual Meeting received the Report of IAF to ISO TC/207 (ref IAF-W1-01-003).
Kyoto IAF15-8.2.2
Report of IATCA
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report presented by the President of IATCA.
Kyoto IAF15-8.4
Report of the Sector Scheme Workshop
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the report by the facilitator of the Sector Scheme workshop.
Kyoto IAF15-8.4.a
Report of the QuEST Forum
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the report presented by the QuEST delegates.
Kyoto IAF15-8.6.1
Report of the Liaison to IAQG
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report presented by the IAF Liaison Officers to the IAQG (Aeronautical Industry).
Kyoto IAF15-8.7.1
Invitation for the 2002 Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting accepted with appreciation the invitation by DAR/BAM to hold the 2002 Annual Meeting in Berlin, Germany, from September 21 to 26, 2002, in association with the ILAC General Assembly and with an IAF/ILAC Conference from 23 to 25 September 2002.
Kyoto IAF15-11.1
Invitations for Future IAF Annual Meetings
The Annual Meeting, noting that in 2000 it had accepted invitations as follows:
  • -SNAS invitation to hold the 2003 Annual Meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia in Early September, 2003, (the ILAC General Assembly will be held the following week);
  • -SANAS invitation to hold the 2004 Annual Meeting in Cape Town, South Africa in September, 2004, in association with the ILAC General Assembly; accepts the invitation by IANZ to hold the 2005 Annual Meeting in New Zealand in September, 2005, in association with the ILAC General Assembly; and invites other members to offer to host the Annual Meetings of IAF and ILAC in years after 2005.
Kyoto IAF15-11.2,IAF15-11.3,IAF15-11.4