Resolution Number | Resolution | Resolution Content | Location and Agenda Item |
Report of the Financial Oversight Committee
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation and adopted the Report of the Financial Oversight Committee (ref IAFâAMâ02-014), as circulated and presented by the Financial Oversight Committee.
Berlin IAF16-5.2.3
Membership of the Financial Oversight Committee
The Annual Meeting resolved to appoint Mr Vagn Anderson (DANAK), Mr Shinichi Iguchi (JAB) and Mr Pierre Salle (IAAR) to be members of the Financial Oversight Committee for the complete years of 2003 and 2004.
Berlin IAF16-5.2.3
Amendment to Annex 1 of Structure of IAF
The Annual Meeting approved the proposed amendment to Annex 1 of the Structure
of the International Accreditation Forum Inc. (ref IAF-BD-01-022)- to delete the second paragraph of section 3.1 concerning the appointment of Members.
Berlin IAF16-5.2.3
Treasurerâs Report on the Financial Operations of IAF in 2002
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report by the Treasurer on the Financial Affairs of IAF for the period 1 January to 30 July 2002 (ref IAF-AM-02-005) as circulated and presented.
Berlin IAF16-5.2.4
IAF Budget for 2003
The Annual Meeting approved the IAF Budget for 2003 submitted by the Treasurer (ref IAF-AM-02-006) and directs the Board to send invoices for membership fees in 2003, based upon the budget amount for membership fees of $US 285,500, in accordance with the Membership Fees Rules (ref IAFâPLâ00-028) to all members as quickly as possible.
Berlin IAF16-5.2.5
Current Membership
The Annual Meeting received the Secretaryâs report on the current IAF membership as at September 2002 (ref IAF-AM-02-002).
Berlin IAF16-5.3.1
New Members
The Annual Meeting received the Secretaryâs report (ref IAF-AM-02-012) on the admission to membership since the 2001 Annual Meeting of two new Accreditation Body Members
Berlin IAF16-5.3.3
Proposed Revision of Membership Provisions in the Bylaws
The Annual Meeting received a proposal (ref IAF-GM-02-009) to revise the Bylaws and approved the creation of a new category of Members called âPartner Membersâ, limiting the totality of votes of Association Members and Partner Members to no more than 4/7th of the total votes of Accreditation Body members and allowing the Board to grant Observer Status, reviewed annually, to those entities with which it wishes to develop closer relationships but which are not eligible for either membership or special recognition.
Berlin IAF16-5.3.4
Revised Procedure for Endorsement of IAF Normative Documents
The Annual Meeting approved the proposed amendment (ref IAFâGMâ02-010) to the IAF General Procedures Part Two â General Procedures for the Development of IAF Documents to include a new section for the IAF Endorsement of Normative Documents, as circulated and declared the endorsement of the following standards and guides:
Berlin IAF16-5.3.5
Amendment to Rules for Size of Executive
The Annual Meeting approved the proposed amendment (ref IAFâGMâ02-011) to the âStructure of the International Accreditation Forum, Inc.â (ref IAF-BD-01-022) for representation on the Executive Committee from regional accreditation groups to be three representatives selected for a two year term from among the chairmen of those regional accreditation groups granted Special Recognition status, observing regional balance, and ensuring that all three do not complete their terms at the same time.
Berlin IAF16-5.3.6
Admission of NAA, SA and EFAC
The Annual Meeting, noting the information provided to it, votes to extend invitations to NAA (North Korea) and SA (Slovenia) to become Accreditation Body Members and to EFAC (European Federation of Associations of Certification Bodies) to become an Association Member.
Berlin IAF16-5.3.7
Report from the Chair of the Technical Committee
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report from the Chair of the Technical Committee (ref IAF-AM-02-011) and approved the Technical Committee
Berlin IAF16-6.1.1
ISO 9001:2000 Transition Date
The Annual Meeting confirmed that the date of 15 December 2003 for transition to ISO
9001:2000 for accredited certification will not be extended.
Berlin IAF16-6.1.1
Auditing Best Practice
The Annual Meeting agreed that IAF, in conjunction with the ISO 9001 Advisory Committee and other stakeholders, should develop consensus on best practices for auditing of management systems, recognizing the need for innovation following the introduction of ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 19011.
Berlin IAF16-6.1.1
Cross-frontier Accreditation
The Annual Meeting agreed that the two parts of the Draft Annex 2 to the IAF Guidance to ISO/IEC Guide 61 be submitted to comment for a period of 30 days. The document revised subsequent to receipt of comment will be submitted to members for approval in a 60 day letter ballot.
Berlin IAF16-6.2.1
Report from the Chair of the MLA MC and its Sub-Committee
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report from the Chair of the MLA Management Committee and its Sub-Committee.
Berlin IAF16-6.2.1
New IAF QMS MLA Signatories
The Annual Meeting noted that, as a consequence of PAC MLA membership, the accreditation body members CNAB (Chinese Taipei), NABCB (India) and BAS (Philippines), have been approved for membership in the IAF QMS MLA.
[Note: CNAB (Chinese Taipei), NABCB (India) and BAS (Philippines), signed the IAF QMS MLA at a ceremony during the IAF/ILAC Ceremonial Receptions on 22 September 2002.]
Berlin IAF16-6.2.1
Alternatives for development of a MLA Mark
The Annual Meeting resolved that IAF members be asked to select one of the four Options from the Proposal on the Design of the IAF MLA Mark (IAF-GM-02-0XX) as follows:
Berlin IAF16-6.2.1
Selection of a Design for a Modified IAF Seal
The Annual Meeting agreed that in the event that members decide to adopt a modification of the IAF Seal for use as an IAF MLA Mark members shall select one of the four designs contained in Appendix B of the Proposal on the Design of the IAF MLA Mark (IAF-GM-02-0XX), in a 60 day letter ballot.
Berlin IAF16-6.2.1
General Principles on the Use of the IAF-MLA Mark
The Annual Meeting, acting on the recommendation of the MLA Committee, resolved that the draft document âGeneral Principles on the Use of the IAF-MLA Markâ be circulated to members for 30 day comment, and subsequently for approval by 60 day letter ballot. It was further resolved that this document be shared with ILAC in discussions on harmonization of ILAC/IAF procedures.
Berlin IAF16-6.2.1
Common IAF-ILAC Mark
The Annual Meeting agreed that IAF should further explore, under the auspices of the JCCC, the matter of having a common Mark with ILAC for use with the Inspection Body Program.
Berlin IAF16-6.2.1
Code of Conduct for Accreditation Body Members
The Annual Meeting, acting on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, resolved that the proposed IAF Code of Conduct for Accreditation Bodies (ref IAF-AM-02-018 as revised) be circulated to members for 30 day comment, and subsequently for approval by 60 day letter ballot.
Berlin IAF16-6
Proposed Changes to the Policies and Procedures Document to Include Sector Specific Schemes
The Annual Meeting, acting on the recommendation of the MLA Procedures Sub-Committee, resolved that the changes proposed by the MLA Procedures Sub-Committee Sector Scheme Task Group be circulated to members for approval by 60 day letter ballot.
Berlin IAF16-6.2.2
IAF âWordsâ
The Annual Meeting, acting on the recommendation of the MLA Procedures Sub-Committee, resolved that IAF continue to support and promote the use of the IAF âWords.â
Berlin IAF16-6.2.1
Licensing the IAF-MLA Mark
The Annual Meeting, acting on the recommendation of the MLA Procedures Sub-Committee, resolved that the IAF Secretary prepare a letter and agreement for existing MLA signatories that licenses signatories to use the IAF-MLA Mark and outlines conditions for usage. It was also resolved that the IAF Secretary recommend changes needed in the IAF Policies and Procedures document to incorporate conditions for use of the IAF-MLA Mark by future signatories.
Berlin IAF16-6.2.1
Proposals on Witness Auditing
The Annual Meeting, acting on the recommendation of the MLA Procedures Sub-Committee, resolved that the âwhite paperâ on witness auditing be forwarded to the IAF Technical Committee and to the JWG on Harmonization of Procedures for further review and discussion.
Berlin IAF16-6.2.1
New IAF Product MLA Signatory
The Annual Meeting notes that the MLA Group, on the recommendation of the IAF MLA MC, has agreed that JAS-ANZ should be admitted into the Product MLA when it is established.
Berlin IAF16-6.2.1
Development Support Committee
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report from the Co-Chair of the Development Support Committee.
Berlin IAF16-6.3.1
Report of ILAC
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report from ILAC.
Berlin IAF16-8.1
Report of ISO
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report from ISO.
Berlin IAF16-8.3.1
Report of ISO/CASCO
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report presented on behalf of the Chairman of ISO/CASCO (ref IAF-AM-02-016).
Resolutions IAF16 ver4.doc Printed 8 November, 2002
Berlin IAF16-8.3.1
Election of Directors
The Annual Meeting congratulated the following Directors on their election:
Berlin IAF16-9
Invitation for the 2003 Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting accepted with appreciation the invitation by SNAS to hold the 2003 Annual Meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia, from September 15 to 26, 2003, along with the ILAC General Assembly.
Berlin IAF16-12.1
Invitations for Future IAF Annual Meetings
The Annual Meeting, noting that it had accepted invitations as
Berlin IAF16-12.2,IAF16-12.3
Acceptance of Apologies and Proxies
The Annual Meeting received and accepted the list of apologies for non-attendance and accepted the notifications of proxies by members.
Kyoto IAF15-2
Approval of the Agenda
The Annual Meeting adopted the draft agenda as amended (ref IAFâPLâ01-016).
Kyoto IAF15-3
Minutes of the Fourteenth Meeting
The Annual Meeting approved the draft Minutes (with minor amendments) as a true record of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting, held in Arlington, Virginia, USA on 9 and 10, November,1999 (ref IAFâ PLâ00-030) as circulated and amended.
Kyoto IAF15-4
Presidentâs Report
The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report of the President (ref IAF-PL-01-029) as circulated and presented.
Kyoto IAF15-5.1
IAF Bylaws, Issue 2
The Annual Meeting formally received the final version of the IAF Bylaws, Issue 2 (ref IAF-PL-01-006), as had been approved by members in a 60-day letter ballot which closed on 30 July 2001.
[Note â the Bylaws Issue 2 document is available in the IAF web site for downloading by Members]
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.1
IAF Memorandum of Understanding, Issue 3
The Annual Meeting formally received the final version of the IAF Memorandum of Understanding, Issue 3 (ref IAF-PL-01-007), as had been approved by members in a
60-day letter ballot which closed on 30 July 2001.
[Note - the IAF Memorandum Issue 3 document is available in the IAF web site
for downloading by Members]
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.1
Proposed Amendment of IAF Bylaws, Issue 2
The Annual Meeting received a proposal to further amend the Bylaws to require a 2/3rd majority vote for decisions such as termination of membership, and adoption and revision of guidance documents, but noting the divided views on the proposal, it requests the Executive Committee to consider the proposal and, if that proposal achieves consensus, to submit it to members for approval in a 60-day letter ballot.
[Note - the possible further amendment of the Bylaws is an item on the agenda for the meeting of the Executive Committee in February 2002]
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.1
IAF Charter
The Annual Meeting endorsed the Revised IAF Charter (ref IAF-PL-01-011) as circulated.
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.2
Board Strategic Agenda
The Annual Meeting received the Board document âInternational Accreditation Forum, Inc. -Strategic Agendaâ (ref IAF-BD-01-027) as circulated and presented.
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.3
IAF Organisational Restructure
The Annual Meeting received the Board report on the outcome of the 60 day letter ballot which closed on 31 October, and the approval of the organisational restructure (ref
IAF-BD-01-022), and noted that the new structure has been implemented by the Board immediately.
[Note - the document setting out the organisational structure of IAF (ref IAF-BD-01-022) is available in the IAF web site for downloading by Members]
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.4
IAF Organisational Restructure
The Annual Meeting endorsed the Boardâs appointment of Chairpersons of newly approved Committees as follows:
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.4
Organisational Restructuring for MLA Committee
Acting on the recommendation of the MLA Committee, the Annual Meeting agrees that the new MLA Committee Structure be implemented with the three Subordinate Committees and Terms of Reference of those committees (MLA Management Committee, MLA Training Sub-Committee, and MLA Procedures Sub-Committee) as noted in Annex 3 to IAF-BD-01-022
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.4
Membership of the IAF MLA Committee
The Annual Meeting agrees that following the Annual Meeting, the Secretariat of IAF will ask IAF members to confirm their member on the MLA Committee; members of the proposed Training Sub-Committee and the MLA Procedures Sub-Committee will be selected from those members; and, that membership of the Training Sub-Committee include regional group training coordinators as identified by the regions, and an ILAC representative, with the Chair of the Training Sub-Committee to be chosen from this group; and, that there be no change to the MLA MC membership at this time, except to fill the requirements of the existing matrix, which was not changed with the organizational restructuring.
[Note - The Secretary invited all Members to advise their Representatives in each of the three main Committees on 31 December 2001. Nomination of Member
Representatives on each of the Committees close on 28 January 2002]
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.4.b
MLA Procedures Sub-Committee
The Annual Meeting agrees that the Chair of the MLA Committee should work with the Chairman of the former WG.2 to ensure an orderly transition to a new arrangement prior to the next Annual Meeting, including a redefinition of membership and specific tasks to be handled by the Procedures Sub-Committee, and more general tasks to be considered by the MLA Committee as a whole.
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.4.c
IAF Quality Manual
The Annual Meeting endorsed the proposal for the IAF Quality Manual as circulated and presented.
[Note - the final version of the Quality Manual will be considered at the meeting of
the Executive Committee in February 2002]
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.5
Procedures for the Internal Audit of the IAF Management and Secretariat
The Annual Meeting approved the âProcedures for the Internal Audit of the IAF Management Processâ (ref IAF-BD-01-030) as circulated and presented, amended to provide that the auditorsâ travel and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed, but no fees for time will be paid, and directed the Board to arrange for the carrying out of an Internal Audit on the IAF Management and Secretariat during 2002.
[Note - the âProcedures for the Internal Audit of the IAF Management Processâ
(ref IAF-BD-01-030) has been amended in accordance with Resolution 2001-16
and is available in the IAF web site for downloading by Members]
Kyoto IAF15-5.1.5